E-Newsletter Official website of Hon. Samson Tam Wai Ho, JP. Member of Legislative Council (Information Technology) /index.php/focus Wed, 05 Oct 2011 02:50:00 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Working Report (2011 Aug) - ENG /index.php/focus/my-working-reports/678-working-report-2011-aug-eng Working Report of
Legislative Councilor Samson Tam Wai Ho
(Information Technology)

(Aug 2011)


I. Focus Updates

1.    就來年度施政報告向特首提出三項要求
Proposed 3 recommendations to the CE on the Policy Address 2011-12

3 recommendations:

(1) to establish an Innovation and Technology Bureau as soon as possible to provide a working basis for the next Government;

(2) to provide 20 hectares of land for construction of a data center park for enterprises. It is expected to create more than 20,000 jobs directly;

(3) to provide incentives to attract the mainland enterprises to set up international R&D centres in Hong Kong. These measures include modifying the R&D Cash Rebate Scheme and setting up Local R&D Talents Training Subsidy Scheme.

2.    組團到加拿大取經,借鑑發展創意產業的經驗
Delegation to Canada for experiences on developing creative industries

At the beginning of August, we formed an ICT delegation with some ICT groups (e.g. the Cyberport) for a business exchange and collaboration in Canada. The delegation visited the Centre for Digital Media. This centre is an inter-institutional cooperation project which was co-founded by four higher education institutions. The curriculum featured cross-sector collaboration with business, to provide students opportunities to have first-hand experience in the market. Talents’ training is an important part in the development of the creative industries. The experiences of Canada are therefore very relevant and valuable. The visit gives us new insight on nurturing talents of creativity.

The delegation also attended the SIGGRAPH 2011 (Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics 2011) in Vancouver to understand the latest computer graphics and interactive techniques. Those technologies have great potential and provide great opportunities for young entrepreneurships. The SIGGRAPH Asia Conference this year will be held from 12th to 15th December at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. For more details, please visit:  http://www.siggraph.org/asia2011/

3.    聯同業界朋友參觀AsiaTone數據中心,了解行業發展現況及問題
Visit to the AsiaTone Data Centre with the industry to understand more current development and issues in the industry

In order to understand more the development situation of data centers in Hong Kong, I visited a data center of the AsiaTone, with friends of the industry. AisaTone is one of the largest data center operators in Hong Kong, and it provides relevant facilities and services in Singapore and Shanghai. Through exchange, we all agree that, for Hong Kong to be developed into a data center hub in Asia, the Government must consider offering some lands for special use, to attract more foreign companies to Hong Kong.

4.    參加首屆「亞洲網絡遊戲高峰會」,研究「憤怒小鳥」成功之道
Attending the First Asia Online Game Summit to Study the Strategies of Success of ‘Angry Bird’

This month, I attended the First Asia Online Game Summit held in Hong Kong and exchanged views with the elites from around the world. A ceremony of the Asia Online Game Awards was held as well to encourage the industry on innovative and creative game development. In the Summit, a senior vice president from Rovio, Finland, shared with us the birth of Angry Bird, an app on the mobile phone. I think, the development of Angry Bird is a process of continuous innovation and adaption as well as a good example of “how to spend less and achieve more”, an excellent reference of innovation and creativity for our young people.


II. Articles Sharing (Chinese Only)

  1. 區議員的多元角色

  2. IT + 音樂實現第二次創業夢

  3. 香港需建立企業數據中心園

  4. 青年創業起義
  5. 未來海洋城巿
My Working Reports Wed, 14 Sep 2011 00:00:00 +0000
Working Report (2011 Aug) - 中文 /index.php/focus/my-working-reports/679-working-report-2011-aug-
Working Report of 
Legislative Councilor Samson Tam Wai Ho 
(Information Technology)

(Aug 2011)


I. Focus Updates

1.    就來年度施政報告向特首提出三項要求





2.    組團到加拿大取經,借鑑發展創意產業的經驗

八月初,我的議員辦事處聯同數碼港等十多個團體,組織了一個資訊科技界代表團,到加拿大參觀交流。其中,今次代表團參觀的數字媒體中心(Centre for Digital Media)就給了我們一些關於如何培育創意人才的啟示。中心是一個跨院校的合作項目,由當地四間高等教育機構聯合創辦,而課程方面還與企業跨界別合作,讓學生有接觸市場的機會。發展創意產業,人才培訓是重要一環,加國經驗值得香港借鑒。

另外,代表團參加了在溫哥華舉行的「國際電腦圖像和互動技術會議及展覽」(SIGGRAPH 2011),藉此了解到電腦圖像和互動技術的發展日新月異,很具市場潛力,年輕創業者大有用武之地。今年的SIGGRAPH Asia會議將於12月12日至15日,在香港會議展覽中心舉行,有興趣的朋友不妨留意:http://www.siggraph.org/asia2011/

3.    聯同業界朋友參觀AsiaTone數據中心,了解行業發展現況及問題


4.    參加首屆「亞洲網絡遊戲高峰會」,研究「憤怒小鳥」成功之道


II. Articles Sharing (Chinese Only)

  1. 區議員的多元角色

  2. IT + 音樂實現第二次創業夢

  3. 香港需建立企業數據中心園

  4. 青年創業起義
  5. 未來海洋城巿
My Working Reports Wed, 14 Sep 2011 00:00:00 +0000
Samson TAM's IT Upgrade (6 Sept, 2011) /index.php/focus/it-updates/676-samson-tams-it-upgrade-6-sept-2011- 組團到加拿大取經,借鑒發展創意產業的經驗




代表團參加了在溫哥華舉行的「國際電腦圖像和互動技術會議及展覽」(SIGGRAPH 2011)。SIGGRAPH是每年一度的國際性會議及展覽,目的是推廣和發展電腦繪圖和動畫製作的軟硬件技術。


外國年輕人利用創意闖出新天地,類似案例雖未能讓香港年輕人完全複製,但碼媒體創作行業在香港及整個亞洲是很具發展空間。每年一度的國際SIGGRAPH會議主要在北美舉辦,究其原因當然是北美數碼媒體市場成熟。2008年,終於有了為亞洲區而設的SIGGRAPH Asia會議,反映出亞洲數碼媒體創作的發展潛力。



加拿大創意產業已取得成就,但如何能持續發展或更進一步呢?人才培訓是重要一環。今次代表團參觀的數字媒體中心(Centre for Digital Media)就給了我們不少啟示。

數字媒體中心位於加拿大溫哥華市的Great Northern Way Campus(GNWC)校區內,該校區是由當地四間高等教育機構聯合創辦,換言之,數字媒體中心是一個跨院校的合作項目。此外,學員在修讀課程期間,一些項目個案是與企業合作的,學員於在學期間已經開始接觸市場,對其日後投身市場很有幫助,這是學界和企業跨界別合作帶來的好處。最後,中心發展得到政府支持,如:2006年,政府資助四千多萬加元,讓中心籌建一個數字媒體碩士(Masters of Digital Media Program)學位項目,以培訓更多數碼媒體領域的專才。做好人才培訓,對推動創意產業持續發展十分重要,對此加國經驗值得香港借鑒。

學習他人成功經驗,進行實地交流固然大有裨益,但香港常有國際性會議和展覽舉行,參加這些活動也是學習成功經驗、了解行業發展的有效途徑。今年的SIGGRAPH Asia會議將於12月12日至15日,在香港會議展覽中心舉行,有興趣的朋友不妨留意:http://www.siggraph.org/asia2011/


IT Upgrade Tue, 06 Sep 2011 00:00:00 +0000
Working Report (2011 July) - 中文 /index.php/focus/my-working-reports/666-working-report-2011-july-
Working Report of 
Legislative Councilor Samson Tam Wai Ho 
(Information Technology)

(July 2011)


I. Focus Updates

1.    立法會支持政府研究成立創新及科技局
The LegCo supports the Government on studying the establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau



(一)    積極研究成立創新及科技局,專責統籌和制訂本港創新及科技發展的整體策略,提升香港在此方面的國際地位;

(二)    提供包括土地及稅務等優惠政策,吸引更多海內外企業,尤其是大型科技企業來港發展,創造更多就業機會;

(三)    為本地大學及科研機構提供足夠資源,加強培訓創新及科技人才,推動大學科研項目產品化;

(四)    爭取社會及市民對香港發展創新及科技的認同,營造全民支持的氣氛及文化環境。







http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-znmT1A5Bw&feature=channel_video_title (影片)


2.    政府現正就本地科技人才培訓展開全面檢討
The Government is conducting a comprehensive review on training of local IT talents



3.    香港發展網絡經濟須與內地整合
The need to integrate with the Mainland in developing network economy in HK


4.    新設立的數據中心促進組已正式投入服務
New Data Centre Facilitation Unit in service officially



5.    成立資訊科技專業委員會  加強粵港澳資訊科技領域合作交流
To establish the Information Technology Professional Committee to enhance the ICT cooperation between Guangdong, HK and Macau



II. Articles Sharing (Chinese Only)

  1. 網絡遊戲誰是王者?

  2. 數據中心園區

  3. 共建亞洲「蘋果樹生態圈」

  4. 三頭六臂的新局長
  5. 成為天下第一村的秘密
My Working Reports Wed, 10 Aug 2011 00:00:00 +0000
Working Report (2011 July) - ENG /index.php/focus/my-working-reports/667-working-report-2011-july-eng Working Report of
Legislative Councilor Samson Tam Wai Ho
(Information Technology)

(July 2011)


I. Focus Updates

1.    立法會支持政府研究成立創新及科技局
The LegCo supports the Government on studying the establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau

On 6 July, I moved a motion of “studying the establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau” in the LegCo and urged the Government to start the study as soon as possible. In the meantime, I hope the LegCo members and different political parties will actively take part and promote Hong Kong in developing its innovation and technology, so as to bring forth our economy and next generation a better future. The motion was supported and passed in the LegCo.

There are four main suggestions I raised:

(1) proactively study the establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau, which is specifically tasked to co-ordinate and formulate Hong Kong's overall strategy of developing innovation and technology, so as to upgrade Hong Kong's international status in this respect;

(2) provide supporting policies including land and taxation concessions, etc., to attract more enterprises from the Mainland and overseas, especially large technological enterprises to Hong Kong for development or set up headquarters in Hong Kong, so as to create more employment opportunities;

(3) provide sufficient resources to local universities and technological research institutes, train more talents for developing innovation and technology, and promote turning end products of university technological research projects into commodities; and

(4) strive for social and public recognition of developing innovation and technology in Hong Kong, so as to create a culture and conducive environment of support for promoting innovation and technology.

In my speech, I mentioned that the need of China’s future economy development provides opportunities for Hong Kong. It is expected that China’s economy will shift gradually from developing industrial and export hub in the past to developing innovation and technology. Though there are some obstacles expected in this development, I believe Hong Kong will be able to offer support and may even become an independent international platform of China’s innovation and technology development. Therefore, I expect the Government to study the establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau as soon as possible to allow its implementation in the next term of the Government.  This will show Hong Kong’s commitment on promoting network economy and innovation and technology.


Motion wording of “Studying the Establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau”



My motion speech:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-znmT1A5Bw&feature=channel_video_title (video)

2.    政府現正就本地科技人才培訓展開全面檢討
The Government is conducting a comprehensive review on training of local IT talents

At the LegCo Commerce and Industry Panel meeting held in July, the Government submitted a progress report on the Research and Development Cash Rebate Scheme of year 2010-11. The report noted that since the launching of the Scheme in April last year till the end of this March, the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) has received a total of 240 cash rebate applications. There are 212 cases approved involving a total of $5.86 million in cash rebate. As human resource is one of the important elements in promoting technology development, I asked if the Government will provide funding or incentive measures for graduates and researchers in this respect. Miss Janet Wong, the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology responded that the Commission is conducting a comprehensive review on IT talents training in Hong Kong and their prospects. The review report will be submitted to the LegCo later.


3.    香港發展網絡經濟須與內地整合
The need to integrate with the Mainland in developing network economy in HK

At the ITB panel meeting held on 11 July, the Government briefed Members on progress of initiatives made in facilitating a digital economy under the Digital 21 Strategy. At the meeting, I pointed out that many large overseas internet companies agreed the need to integrate with the Mainland in developing the network economy in HK, and I asked the Government if there is any measure to support or help internet companies in HK to enter the Mainland market. Mr. Gregory So, the Secretary of Commerce and Economic Development, responded that some companies with certain categories are able to operate in the Mainland under the current CEPA. The Government will strive for a bigger room for development for the industry. In addition, the Panel also discussed about the Government’s proposal of deferring the target date for terminating analog television services for 3 years, i.e. from end 2012 to end 2015. I welcomed the suggestion and hope the Government will find out and analyze the ratio between existing traditional and digital TV home, and then study further how to increase penetration of digital TV in home use, so as to allow a smooth transition from analog to digital TV service.

4.    新設立的數據中心促進組已正式投入服務
New Data Centre Facilitation Unit in service officially

The SAR Government is actively promoting data centre development in HK these years and hopes to foster Hong Kong to become the prime location for data centres in Asia Pacific. The OGCIO not only conducted in last year a consultancy study on the economy benefit of data centre development in HK, but also set up a website of “data centre development in Hong Kong” on 25 July this year (datacenter.gov.hk), and a Data Centre Facilitation Unit to provide one-stop helpdesk service to assist operators interested in setting up data centres in Hong Kong. I expect the Government to conduct comprehensive study to explore various possibilities and options, such as industrial estates, extension land areas and caves, etc. in order to find more suitable lands for coping with future development of data centres in Hong Kong.


5.    成立資訊科技專業委員會  加強粵港澳資訊科技領域合作交流
To establish the Information Technology Professional Committee to enhance the ICT cooperation between Guangdong, HK and Macau

To enhance the ICT cooperation between Guangdong, HK and Macau, the Guangdong’s Association for Promotion of Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau set up its Information Technology Professional Committee. On 15 July, I led a group of ICT industrial representatives to attend the Committee’s inauguration and visit an ICT Science Park in Nansha, Guangzhou. I am very pleased to be invited to be a member of its first Advisory Committee. The establishment of the Committee aims to strengthen communication in the areas of ICT such as software and telecommunications, to integrate ICT resources of the three places, to explore the mode of integration between ICT and finance, economy, industry and human resources. I believe it is very meaningful to promote ICT cooperation among the three places on this new communication and cooperation platform, and expect more enterprises of the Mainland to set up their R&D Centers in Hong Kong, and make use of Hong Kong as an international platform. As for our ICT industry, we should make full use of the Committee as a platform to actively explore business opportunities in the Mainland.


II. Articles Sharing (Chinese Only)

  1. 網絡遊戲誰是王者?

  2. 數據中心園區

  3. 共建亞洲「蘋果樹生態圈」

  4. 三頭六臂的新局長
  5. 成為天下第一村的秘密
My Working Reports Wed, 10 Aug 2011 00:00:00 +0000
Samson TAM's IT Upgrade (8 Aug, 2011) 中文 /index.php/focus/it-updates/664-samson-tams-it-upgrade-2-aug-2011- 政府為發展數據中心提供一站式服務平台



互聯網推動社會變革,加快全世界走進知識型經濟的步伐。特區政府近年積極推動香港的數據中心 發展,希望令香港成為亞太區內設立數據中心的首選地點。政府資訊科技總監辦公室除了於去年委託顧問公司研究香港發展數據中心的經濟效益外,還於今年7月 25日正式開設「香港數據中心的發展」專題網站(datacentre.gov.hk),以及數據中心促進組,為有興在港設立數據中心的營運者,提供一站 式服務。










成立資訊科技專業委員會  加強粵港澳資訊科技領域合作交流



我相信成立資訊科技專業委員會,搭建新的溝通合作平台,促進三地資訊科技合作,是具有非常積極的意義。我期望有更多內地企業來港設立科研中心(R&D Centre),以香港作平台邁向國際;而香港業界應充分利用委員會的平台作用,積極開拓商機。大家一起探索,攜手合作,達至共贏。




IT Upgrade Mon, 08 Aug 2011 00:00:00 +0000
Samson TAM's IT Upgrade (20 July, 2011) 中文 /index.php/focus/it-updates/659-samson-tams-it-upgrade-20-july-2011 立法會支持政府研究成立創新及科技局





(一)    積極研究成立創新及科技局,專責統籌和制訂本港創新及科技發展的整體策略,提升香港在此方面的國際地位;
(二)    提供包括土地及稅務等優惠政策,吸引更多海內外企業,尤其是大型科技企業來港發展,創造更多就業機會;
(三)    為本地大學及科研機構提供足夠資源,加強培訓創新及科技人才,推動大學科研項目產品化;
(四)    爭取社會及市民對香港發展創新及科技的認同,營造全民支持的氣氛及文化環境。






http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-znmT1A5Bw&feature=channel_video_title (影片)





20110625 香港競爭力何去何從?創新及科技局如何落實?研討會(劉江華議員)
20110625 香港競爭力何去何從?創新及科技局如何落實?研討會(劉慧卿議員)
20110625 香港競爭力何去何從?創新及科技局如何落實?研討會(羅范椒芬女士)

IT Upgrade Wed, 20 Jul 2011 00:00:00 +0000
Samson TAM's IT Upgrade (20 July, 2011) ENG /index.php/focus/it-updates/661-samson-tams-it-upgrade-20-july-2011 The LegCo Supports the Government on Studying the Establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau 


That in the face of the new challenges of the global economy, the development of an Internet-based economy is already an inevitable trend, and innovation and technology have also become a new development strategy of many countries, therefore, Hong Kong, while continuing to develop traditional industries, must formulate afresh a sustainable economic development strategy, so that through the development of new industries including innovation and technology, Hong Kong's competitiveness can be further upgraded. So, I moved a motion of “studying the establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau” in the LegCo and urged the Government to start the study as soon as possible. In the meantime, I hope the LegCo members and different political parties will actively take part in and promote Hong Kong in developing its innovation and technology, so as to let our economy and next generation have a better future. The motion was finally supported and passed in the LegCo. 


The motion of “Studying the Establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau” moved in the LegCo 


At the LegCo meeting on 6 July, I moved the motion of “Studying the Establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau”, there are four main suggestions I raised: 


(1) proactively study the establishment of an innovation and technology bureau specially tasked to co-ordinate and formulate Hong Kong's overall strategy of developing innovation and technology, so as to manifest the Government's determination and commitment in promoting the development of innovation and technology, and upgrade Hong Kong's international status in this respect;

(2) provide preferential policies including land and taxation concessions, etc., to attract more enterprises on the Mainland and overseas, especially large technological enterprises to come to Hong Kong for development or even set up headquarters in Hong Kong, so as to bring fresh impetus to Hong Kong's Internet economy and create more employment opportunities;

(3) provide local universities and technological research institutes with sufficient resources, and to tie in the relevant policies, so as to train more talents for developing innovation and technology, and promote the productization of university technological research projects; with the large enterprises from the Mainland and overseas coming to develop in Hong Kong, increase the opportunities for their exchanges with local talents, so as to upgrade the skills, quality and visions of local talents; and

(4) strive for social and public recognition of developing innovation and technology in Hong Kong, so as to create an atmosphere and cultural environment of universal support for promoting innovation and technology and fostering the development of the Internet economy. 


Given the great changes in the regional economy, China’s economy no longer solely relies on Hong Kong. As Hong Kong hasn’t found its own new position and role, so I moved the motion of “Studying the Establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau” in the LegCo. In my speech, I mentioned that the need of China’s future economy development is exactly the opportunity for Hong Kong. It is expected that China’s economy will be shifted gradually from developing industrial and export center in the past to developing innovation and technology. Though there are some obstacles expected during the development of innovation and technology in China, I believe Hong Kong will be able to compensate this deficiency and even become an international and independent platform of China’s innovation and technology development. 


Therefore, I expect the Government is able to study the establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau as soon as possible and implement its establishment in the next Government to show government’s commitment on promoting network economy and innovation and technology. At the same time, I hope different political parties will put more concern on studying the policies of innovation and technology, promote the development of innovation and technology together and further enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong.        


Motion of  “Studying the Establishment of an Innovation and Technology Bureau” : 

Motion Speech 


Forum on “How can we enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness? How to implement the setting up of the Innovation and Technology Bureau?” 


My LegCo office together with the Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association and some ICT professional bodies, organized a forum on “How can we enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness? How to implement the setting up of the Innovation and Technology Bureau?” on 25 June, bringing elites from different sectors together.  We hope to draw on collective wisdom and reach a consensus as how to promote development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong. 


Our guest speaker, Dr. NI Peng-fei from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences pointed out that Hong Kong should not rely solely on its financial industry. Hong Kong should enhance its technology innovation.   With his setting this stage, the forum actively participated in the ensuing discussion section. Other guests include the Hon. LAU Kong-wah, also an Executive Council Member, the Hon. Emily LAU and Mrs. Fanny LAW, NPC Deputy. To my surprise, despite different political orientations among some of them, all agreed the importance of innovation and technology in the future economic development of Hong Kong.  They are willing to put aside differences, and urge the Government to change the old thinking and be more practical and proactive so as to attract more talents and funds to help nourish the innovation and technology development in Hong Kong.  Only with this will our younger generation see hope, prospects and more opportunities.


Welcome to visit the links below for the guests’ speeches: 


20110625 Forum of “How to enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness? How to implement the setting up of the Innovation and Technology Bureau?”  

Video  (Cantonese)  


IT Upgrade Wed, 20 Jul 2011 00:00:00 +0000
Working Report (2011 Jun) - ENG /index.php/focus/my-working-reports/649-working-report-2011-jun-eng Working Report of
Legislative Councilor Samson Tam Wai Ho
(Information Technology)

(June 2011)


I. Focus Updates

1.    與其他黨派議員一起探討,以創新及科技提升香港競爭力
How to enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness by innovation and technology – Discussion with Members of other parties in LegCo

How can we enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness? How to implement the setting up of the Innovation and Technology Bureau? I believe these are concerns not only from friends in the ICT industry, but also other people in the community as well.  To this end, my LegCo office together with the Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association and some ICT professional bodies, organized a forum this month, bringing elites from different sectors together.  We hope to draw on collective wisdom and reach a consensus as how to promote development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong.

Our guest speaker, Dr. NI Peng-fei from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences pointed out that Hong Kong should not rely solely on its financial industry. Hong Kong should enhance its technology innovation.   With his setting this stage, the forum actively participated in the ensuing discussion section. Other guests include the Hon. LAU Kong-wah, also an Executive Council Member, the Hon. Emily LAU and Mrs. Fanny LAW, NPC Deputy. To my surprise, despite different political orientations among some of them, all agreed the importance of innovation and technology in the future economic development of Hong Kong.  They are willing to put aside differences, and urge the Government to change the old thinking and be more practical and proactive so as to attract more talents and funds to help nourish the innovation and technology development in Hong Kong.  Only with this will our younger generation see hope, prospects and more opportunities.


2.    立法會通過成立通訊事務管理局
The LegCo approved establishment of the Communications Authority

The LegCo passed its third reading on the “Communications Authority Bill” on 30 June, and approved the establishment of the Communications Authority as a single regulatory body for the Telecommunications and Broadcasting sectors. I have been actively participated in the deliberation of the Bill.  I stated in the second reading debate that it is disappointing to see the delay of implementation on the merging of the OFTA and the Broadcasting Authority, though it has been discussed for years. I hope the Government, in merging the two organizations, will appoint people from different sectors, in particular young talents to join the Communications Authority, and also hope it can retain sufficient professional positions and avoid “de-specialization” in the process, so as to ensure a smooth operation of the Authority.

3.    我在資訊科技及廣播事務委員會上的提問
My questions raised in the ITB panel

The items of e-government updates and information security were discussed at the LegCo ITB panel meeting in June. The new computerized Land Information System was in full operation in December 2010. In view of the current illegal structures in premises and buildings, I asked the Government if they will set up a territory-wide e-database for buildings. Through online interactive platform, not only the public can access the data of building structures and construction, but also the authority will be able to tackle more effectively the problem of illegal structures in premises and buildings. Besides, I am concerned about the new strategy document published by the U.S Department of Defense that, for the very first time, the U.S will treat attack on their Internet networks as war behaviors and will formulate anti-war strategies in response. So, I asked the Government if they have assessed the impact of this document to Hong Kong, and which Bureau will be responsible for the follow-up.


4.    香港法例電子資料庫預計最快2015年投入服務
A brand-new electronic database of the Laws of Hong Kong is expected to be implemented in 2015

After nine-month deliberation, the LegCo passed the third reading on the “Legislation Publication Bill” on 22 June. The notice of tender invitation of the new electronic database of the Laws of Hong Kong was announced on 30 June. It is expected the brand-new database will be implemented in 2015/16 at the earliest.  By then, people will be able to download or print copies of legislations free of charge, or buy printed copies at the Publications Sales Unit of the Information Services Department. I expect the establishment of the e-database of the Laws of Hong Kong will help improve services of legal profession in Hong Kong and provide a convenient platform of public access to the legislation.


5.    科技創業培育公司圓桌會議
Round Table meeting for technology incubation companies

Not long ago, I invited Mr. Andrew LAI, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, for lunch with several technology companies which have joined the technology incubation programme. We discussed on how to optimize the funding scheme by the Innovation and Technology Commission, thereby helping the start-up SMEs to effectively use the funds for company operation and development.  The luncheon discussed that local IT industry is facing many competitions and challenges such as high rental costs, competition from the Mainland, difficulty in hiring local IT talents and etc. Besides, procurement is also one of the difficulties that SMEs is facing.  I hope the Commission will, after listening to these views and concerns from the industry, review current funding scheme to help more technology incubates, and promote development of the technology industry as a whole.


II. Articles Sharing (Chinese Only)

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  3. 網上新工種

  4. 化解食物安全危機
My Working Reports Wed, 06 Jul 2011 00:00:00 +0000
Working Report (2011 June) - 中文 /index.php/focus/my-working-reports/650-working-report-2011-june-
Working Report of 
Legislative Councilor Samson Tam Wai Ho 
(Information Technology)

(June 2011)


I. Focus Updates

1.    與其他黨派議員一起探討,以創新及科技提升香港競爭力




2.    立法會通過成立通訊事務管理局


3.    我在資訊科技及廣播事務委員會上的提問



4.    香港法例電子資料庫預計最快2015年投入服務



5.    科技創業培育公司圓桌會議



II. Articles Sharing (Chinese Only)

  1. 偷拍風波

  2. 互聯網選舉威力

  3. 網上新工種

  4. 化解食物安全危機
My Working Reports Wed, 06 Jul 2011 00:00:00 +0000